Oct 24, 2010

Brand Taglines in fact a great way to launch!

An easily recognizable and memorable phrase which often accompanies a brand name in marketing communications programs is known as brand tagline or brand slogan. It helps customers to remember the brand and reinforces mental associations. Consistent and well-known example is Nike "Just do it".
To develop an effect tagline come a huge responsibility on the marketing department that demands an intensive research. However, five steps should be taken by everyone who is trying to synthesize it like: Firstly, decide what you want to communicate with your tagline. Particularly seek information about these points such as:
• Who are my customers?
• What benefits do I give to my customers?
• What feelings do I want to evoke in my customers?
• What actions are taken by me in trying to generate favor from my customers?
• How I am different from my competitors?
Secondly, prepare to brainstorm. Gather tag lines from other companies and brands. Look in other categories besides own and try to find tag lines from both large and small companies. On finding tag lines, write them on index cards or individual slips of paper. One will be mixing and matching them and pairing them with unrelated items as one brainstorm. Pay attention to the words used, how they are put together, and which of the above questions they address. By doing this, one may more likely to come up with a unique angle for its own tag line.POP!: Create the Perfect Pitch
Brain storming at stages three among five. This works well if one can get a small group together but can also do alone. Set up a place with a lot of writing space. Go for it through support. Look up words or concepts in the books. Rearrange various crutches so one can look at them in different ways. Write down everything that comes to mind and all the new ideas or phrase sparks. They do not have to make sense. One needs a large number of ideas. To make it happen.King Of Hearts
Fourthly, one needs to consolidate its list. After brainstorming, go through all of suspected ideas. Pull out those few that on thinking have the best potential. Try to reduce longer ones to fewer words. Lastly, choose the one best tagline. One should be left with a short list of possibilities. To pick the single best tag line, get others' opinions. If one have some funds budgeted, work with a market research firm to test the tag lines with your customers. One can also conduct informal research. Set up a free survey and encourage people to take the survey. If one has direct contact with its customers, ask them what they think. Give them an incentive to help such as a discount or small freebie. When tagline has done, one will have a tag line that will help its business thrive.

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