As soon as the word “recession” spreads, companies look to cut advertising, marketing and public relations campaigns and budgets. In reality, this is the best time to gain market share, as competition cuts away. Brand equity may tolerate price increases but no cut-off in marketing where add-ons are what attract customers during difficult times for brands.

There are branding strategies which help an organization in crucial times in developing market share as: 1) Reallocate marketing budgets from branding to direct-target marketing for a higher return on investment. 2) Know your customer. Build a marketing database designed to gain insights into customer value, vulnerability and potential. 3) Leverage new customer insights on customer value, vulnerability and potential into campaigns that maximize ROI. The Myth of Market Share
4) Track and report campaign response and conversion effectiveness. 5) Grow relationships with current customers. Use social media and electronic communications to increase loyalty and reasons to communicate with customers. 6) Launch programs that allow existing customers to consolidate their business with you. 7) Focus on trends such as marketing to baby boomers. Make websites attractive to boomers without being condescending.

Other than this, additional sales methods, such as a direct sales operation, using wholesalers or distributors, appointing an agent, setting up an e-commerce operation, entering export markets or establishing joint ventures and partnerships can boost market share but carry a much higher financial risk and require extensive business planning.
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