It mainly contains the following elements; corporate culture; corporate behavior; market condition and strategies; product and services; and communication and design. Other than this the thing that must be considered in the process is the sequence such as: strategy formulation; culture-change; effective corporate communication; articulating a corporate strategy; articulating/changing the organization’s culture; acting as a platform for corporate communications; and ensuring that the organization’s visual identity is fashionable.
Other possible objectives which have worth in this corporate management strategy are as: fostering a sense of individuality; achieving differentiation in a competitive environment; providing disciplinary integration; providing a platform for coherent corporate communication; nurturing an image that is consistent with the organization’s defining ethos and character; nurturing understanding and commitment among stakeholders; attracting and retaining customers and employees; achieving strategic alliances; and gaining support of financial markets.
In successful corporate branding the main characteristics must be as: family owned; financiers or investors are not owners or controllers of the companies; the objective is long term survival; and stakeholders’ groupings cannot so easily be broken down into internal and external stakeholders. And cultural perspective could be in the direction like as: Concepts; assign inordinate attention to visual symbolism and to corporate communications; do not give enough attention to questions of culture and, where they do, the approach is often simplistic.
Do not give enough attention to the effects of the external environment - political, economic, ethical, social and technological) and the influence of various super and subordinate reputation types, including those of the industry and country-of-origin; are concerned with image-formation rather than with identity-formation; regard the acquisition of a favorite perception of the corporation as being an end in itself, with the assumption that this will be sufficient to ensure profitability, business advantage and survival.
Fail to note that a resultant corporate image may be negative, unwanted as well as favorable; do not deal with the question of company profile; assume that there will be a singly held corporate image among all stakeholder groups and, by implication, networks; the earlier models make no reference to reputation or to corporate branding and in some cases to corporate identity; adopt a narrow perspective regarding the objective of identity/image management or process and fail to adopt a broader approach which encompasses business advantage, profitability and survival as objectives; for the main, adopt a narrow marketing perspective on the area.
Do not accord sufficient importance to corporate structure and the fact that organizations often are subsidiaries with recognizable identities or/ and belong to super organizational groups with distinct structures; are based on the notion that it is possible to control the entire corporate identity formation process relatively easily, quickly and by management dictate; do not take into account business to business relationships; emphasize linearity and simplicity rather than intricacy and complexity.
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