ZMOT stands for Zero Moment of Truth. It’s just like for customers FMOT – First Moment of Truth and SMOT – Second Moment of Truth. It is for help in decision making process while they are going to purchase a product or want to adopt a service. All of us no matters know marketing or not by their terminologies but its right that we have knowledge about marketplaces and markets. We precisely know what is going on all around us and why? Similarly, Zero Moment of Truth is a phase or step in buying decision making process. Entire world is busy in the ZMOT phase for large as well as small purchases. The essence of this branding strategy is it indicates to your potential customer about your brand’s customer satisfaction level and persuades them to follow your brand instead of competitors.
Google author “Jim Lecinski” defined this ZMOT as the Winning the Zero Moment of Truth
. It is the stage when a company wins or loses a customer. In order to win customers, organization must adopt this advance branding milestone by providing and facilitating them with their brand information e.g. what is its positioning? What kind of people can use them? And In what situations it can be used? The story not ends here but it is a start to provoke customers that you are the best in a particular brand category. Try to be at the top in customer’s rating and positive reviews.
About 90% of customers are first go to the search pages in order to gulp all the information available for brand they want to buy before going to a store. Now it is not as simple as in early times. In old times TV advertisement, print Ads, and Radio Ads were play dual role as a stimulus and also as ZMOT for customers. However, recently scenarios are totally changed and internet is the major player of ZMOT among family and friend references. Internet branding related all tools are tools of ZMOT. It includes Social networks, Blogs, Ratings and Reviews Sites, Articles, and even email notifications.
In order to activate ZMOT for your brand start indulging your brand in all those activities. Avoid believing your target and potential customers that you are a new comer in a particular field than your competitors. Make your image sophisticated, and technologically modern than rest of the bodies present in the field. Make your giant presence over internet and win customer’s Zero Moment of Truth. From now and onward just design branding strategies with this goal and you will see the result in the form of winning in the entire business objectives. Start thinking about the crucial importance of it and when you are commencing ZMOT of your brand? Develop a track for it today as the battle is ON!