Exceptionally one can hate chocolate. People love chocolate as a gift to give it or receive it from a friend. One can adopt it as a best possible generous gift for a love one. There are too many chocolate brands exist in the world but the most popular among them is “Cadbury Dairy Milk”. Roger Cadbury, founder of the company. In 1900 Swiss market was leading with chocolate in marketplace contains milk in abundant quantity. At that time UK was not such type of chocolate bars. George Cadbury (Jnr) decided to launch a rich milk chocolate bar with an aim to have better product in term of quality than his competitors.
Cadbury Dairy Milk was launched in 1905. Initially it was sold as an unwrapped chocolate blocks that could be broken down into small blocks. Before the beginning of First World War it was the biggest seller of chocolate. By 1920’s it had taken over the entire UK market. Company suggested all sorts of names like “Highland Milk Bar” and “Jersey and Dairy Maid” but on a customer’s daughter opinion it named “Cadbury Dairy Milk”. This prove that the company worth its customers a lot and actually a customer-centric product.
In 1952 Cadbury hired a “Norbert Dutton” an industrial designer to review firm’s all products labels and packaging including “Dairy Milk” in order to develop them according to modern time requirements and customers’ taste for market retention. But doing this he had linked modern ideas with traditional touch to build up the products enormous public goodwill. Dutton created new design for “Cadbury Dairy Milk” by using traditional purple and gold color with addition of a new standard script of William Cadbury’s signature across all packaging.
In transport and warehousing it believe on outsourcing mean outside supplier, better vehicle and engine design. Company targets on sharing of transport and warehousing towards a cost effective business. The company main goal of the year 2010 is the reduce carbon footprints and by applying various individuals measures doing just it. Cadbury’s commitment to the environment efficiency will remain a cornerstone to the business.
Now-a-days digital advertising has become of increasing importance among which internet is most popular. In this one can interact instantly to others through posting comments, can enter a vote for a particular brand, enter in a competition, and can play games. All Cadbury advertising is according to 21st century. Over internet possibilities are endless and it is a great way to approach customers and allowing everyone to be a part of “Cadbury Family”.
Moreover, Cadbury is famous in providing housing, education and welfare in UK and Africa. Company does so by the local communities and along with voluntary people who have sufficient time, skills and expertise. In Pakistan this part is missing due to the disinterest of local communities and people which have lack of confidence and level of trust.