A brand tagline is a key factor in brand strategy decisions. A tagline is something that concisely and powerfully communicates the brand’s promise is one of the quickest, easiest and least expensive ways to communicate the brand’s new position to internal and external audiences. It should consistently accompany the brand’s logo in situations outlined by the brand architecture. Developing brand taglines are the most important next steps one can take once a brand has been positioned or repositioned.A tagline should achieve all of the following for your brand:
- Communicate the brand’s unique value proposition (brand promise)
- Be succinct
- Be memorable
- Cause a person to want to know more about or interact further with the brand
Achieving all of the above is more easily said than done. Over time, researchers have found that the less sophisticated the client, the more they are primarily interested in a tagline that sounds good, even if it doesn’t really say the right thing or anything at all about the brand. Many relatively unsophisticated clients would choose a tagline option that sounds great but that is completely off brand strategy over one that just sounds good but perfectly communicates the brand’s unique value proposition and brand promise.
The unique value proposition and brand promise are similar. They both focus on the one or two key points of difference between the brand in question and other brands. Typically, these points of difference are brand benefits, benefits that are relevant, unique, compelling and believable for the brand in question. Brands typically focus on only one or two benefits and research has shown that people can’t link more than that number of benefits to a given brand in their minds. The first or most important benefit is sometimes referred to as the primary brand benefit.
Definitely, it is up to the brand consultant or marketer to create or recommend the perfect tagline, one that does all of the above, but the question is that how many clients are willing to walk away from their brand strategy to embrace a cool sounding tagline that means nothing. It is heard by marketers that their clients say many things about their required taglines such as: “Some like tagline because it could mean anything” or “some like that tagline because it could mean different things to different people.” Or worse yet, “That sounds so cool. Does it really matter if it communicates our brand’s promise?” Yes it does. Why bother with a tagline if it is not helping position one’s brand the way it want it to be positioned? Don’t settle for a tagline that just sounds good. Hence, keeps the process going until one has found and achieves all of the above criteria. By doing it in such a proper way one will be rewarded with a stronger brand.
Raelly nice , informative and representable post !
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ReplyDeleteThanks for your wonderful informative post and i got a good knowledge to read your informational post.